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Meet Dr. Sun

Traditional Chinese Medicine on chinese Culture Theories of TCM

Mr. Sun learned more than 60 countries of Western Medicine basic theory and Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Tuina, Guasa Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Moxibution Therapy. He specializes in Asian Body Massage, Swedish Massage, Deep tissue Massage, Foot Reflexology, Thai Massage. Book today with Mr. Sun.

Licenses & Certifications

  • He has training by John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Mobilization for theory, practice and clinical application of Myofascial Mobilization Techniques. 
  • He obtained National Certification for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from NCCAOM and Texes Licensure in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology.
  • He holds a Texas Massage Licensure 

education background

  • Mr. Sun received her medical degree in western medicine at Hubei College in 1985.
  • Graduated from Avalon School of Massage specializing in Asian Body Massage, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Foot Reflexology, Thai Massage.

Professional Experience

  • Mr. Sun has over 25 years clinic experience in China, New Zealand, and the United State.
Customer Reviews

Acupuncture & Holistic Care

Customer Reviews

Donald Walter 2/1/2017

I had slipped and fallen all most a year ago. My MRI and X-rays revealed three herniated disks in my neck. C3-4 C4-5 and C5-6. I had been treated in many different ways. Ultra sound, physical therapy, massage therapy, medicines, the TENS therapy and even traction. I was told that it appeared as thought the only other option was surgery. I did not feel as though this was a good option for me as I had little or no confidence in this prognosis. I have friends that have had some success with acupuncture so I decided to try it. You came with a recommendation from a very close family friend. Without this recommendation I may have gone elsewhere and may or may not still be having the same symptoms. The treatment that I received from Dr. Peng was extremely helpful. Office visits were done in a very comfortable environment and to my surprise there was little or no discomfort or pain. As I said, I had been getting traditional treatment for this for nearly a year and was still not able to work at 100% or even close. I think that the most frustrating part was that the things that I could do before, mow the grass, exercise, work normally, all were made difficult. After only 4 (four) treatments over a two week period, things had improved greatly. I am at a point now where I may only go visit Dr. Peng once a week, and it is my feelings that very soon I will only have to see the Doctor on an as needed basis. It is hard for me to believe that I could have such astounding results in such a short time. I wish that I had tried Dr. Peng’s acupunture/accupressure therapy long before now. It is hard for me to understand with all the achievements in modern medicine that I had to spend all most a full year in pain. Also that none of my traditional treating doctors would recommend something of this nature. Perhaps all medical insurance carriers should look into acupuncture/acupressure as a means of helping more patients as an effective and cost reducing option. It has been nothing short of amazing the results that I have received and I have been recommending Dr. Peng and her practice to anyone that is having difficulty getting the results they may need to move forward after an injury. Dr. Peng, my family and I would like to thank you for allowing all of us to return to a pain-free normal life.

Amanda Rapp 2/1/2018

The nature of my condition was that I had pulled a muscle in my lower back, and I could hardly move. Before this situation occurred, I had used traditional Chinese medicine for other conditions in the past, specifically herbal treatment for allergies, and I knew that it worked for many other ailments as well. Dr. Linda Peng was very helpful and knowledgeable. She explained everything she was doing and did a great job. It’s always hard finding a good doctor you like who makes you feel comfortable, and Dr. Peng was very good. The clinic, procedures and doctor’s manner was very professional. Even though I’ve been treated using herbal medicine many times before, I was a little nervous because this was my first time actually having acupuncture. It was not painful at all. There was not much sensation when the needles were being put in my back, it was much less than having your finger pricked. The treatment was very relaxing and helpful. It didn’t help right away but the next day my back felt so much better. The pain from the pulled muscle finally went away after three treatments. It took a few days for the muscle to feel completely back to normal, but it helped tremendously. The day following each treatment was when it was very helpful. Overall it took about 2 weeks for the problem to go away. I would definitely recommend this treatment to others.

Helen Hawkins 2/3/2003

I had sciatica about 25 years ago in Florida, and I expected to be able to receive pain relief. However, I chose on acupuncturist who misdiagnosed my problem and made it much worse. It was the worst pain I have ever have had in my 86 years. I could not walk and the pain was constant from shoulder blades to toenails. Sleep was impossible except with medication. Dr. Peng began acupuncture treatments (early 2003) and recommended herbal pills and patches. After the third needling the p ain was almost gone. I was pain-free after the sixth treatment. My mental attitude became upbeat and I joined friends for church, eating out, and entertained my bridge club 3 weeks after I met Dr. Peng. She is caring and very professional as well as friendly and compassionate. She was as happy as I when the pain lessened and now is totally gone. I have now recommended Dr. Peng to several of my friends at the retirement center where I live. Acupuncture is the best pain reliever I know.

Danley Wolfe 01/01/2020

I developed peripheral neuropathy over ~ the past 5-7 years. Peripheral neuropathy is a non-specific disease indicated by functional disturbance or pathological changes in the peripheral nervous system. The condition is manifest by gradual loss of sensory perception in the extremities, with the soles and toes of the feet generally the first to be affected. Symptoms include “Numb Soles and Aching Toes,” which is also the title of a recent book on the subject of “living with your peripheral neuropathy.” The condition is often associated with changes in (degeneration of) the myelin coating surrounding nerve bundles, and a result of immune disease, often a side effect of diabetes and other conditions. During earlier stages, the affected person begins to notice numbness and tingling in the toes and soles of the feet. There are no specific cures to the condition, and treatments are aimed at identifying and removing the causes of the symptoms, and helping patients manage or live with their pain, which varies from uncomfortable to unbearable. EMG tests done in 1999 revealed my condition to be relatively advanced. I met with a well-known western neurologist at St. Luke’s Hospital (Houston Medical Complex) without any positive result or further understanding. Extensive testing ruled out all of the common causes of the condition. The doctor recommended taking tricyclics similar to nerve blockers used by epileptics and these were effective at reducing the pain. I brought up the idea of trying Traditional Chinese Medicine and the doctor strongly encouraged this as the next step (his next step was a spinal tap). Dr. Peng initially gave me a thorough examination paying special attention to my pulse (depth and strength, in addition to the usual measurement of rate of heart beat). I received acupuncture and herbal medicine, which together were targeted to balancing my system and improving circulation in the lower extremities. The herbal medicine (a cocktail of 7-8 imported Chinese herbs) had immediate effect – my hands and feet really warmed up and turned red within a few minutes. The acupuncture treatments extended more than 6 months. The acupuncture treatment was not unpleasant once I got used to it — the idea of being needled is much scarier than the actual fact, and Dr. Peng always communicated very well about the procedure. The treatments resulted in short-term relief and some longer-term improvement. I recommend TCM as an alternative treatment for this type of neurological disorder.

Rebecca Fan 01/01/2017

I have had knee pains for quite a while. Soon after that, my knee joints were swollen and my left heel also was painful. I visited several doctors, but none of them could remove these pains 100%. So, my friend referred me to see Dr.Peng for Chinese acupuncture. When I went to Dr Peng’s office and saw these tiny needles, honestly speaking, I suspected whether they could relieve my pain. I just thought to make a try. Can you believe that my pain was gone 50% after this simple try! That was a real miracle! I was so happy that my pains were totally removed 100% after 5 acupuncture treatments and the swollen joints were back to normal status. This is why I am posting and sharing my treatment experiences with you. If you have same problems like mine, don’t hesitate to ask Dr Peng’s help. She is not only excels at acupuncture skills but also very nice to each patient.

Marilyn Robinson 01/01/2018

I am a 2x breast cancer survivor, and underwent 10 months of chemotherapy. The treatment caused bone loss and resulted in an early menopause. As a side effect I have developed osteoarthritis. My husband had bone cancer, and felt relief only from acupuncture, which was recommended by his doctors. He also took herbal medicine for strength throughout his battle. His experience convinced me that alternative medicine and acupuncture for pain is very successful.Dr. Peng’s treatment has been painless with a few tiny needles placed inside my ear. There have been no side effects only a small sensation of pressure. This treatment has given me almost complete relief. I danced around the house with my 5-year grandchild and felt fine.You have been very caring and have listened carefully to my health needs. I highly recommend your services to other cancer patients and anyone who needs pain relief.Thank you, we need more doctors like you who care about their patients.

Courtney 01/01/2019

The nature of my condition was that I felt very tired all the time, and it was affecting my school work and social activities. It affected my family primarily because I was never able to function properly at home. Another condition I experienced was a lot of stress due to the amount of school work I received and, therefore, I became very tense. For a period of time I had a high degree of unhappiness most of the time. I was never happy at home, and I couldn’t explain why. There was no definite reason to this state of unhappiness either. My western doctor led me to try Traditional Chinese Medicine. I went to the western doctor initially with my fatigue condition because it was beginning to interfere with my schoolwork. I was checked for anemia as well as all other types of blood problems such as diabetes; however, each test came out negative to any kind of medical problem. My western doctor recommended trying acupuncture. She did not go into a lot of detail on how acupuncture or herbal medicine worked, but I already knew. My experience in receiving the treatment from Dr. Peng was phenomenal. I had never experienced anything like it. The first time I went, I was very apprehensive and tense about the procedure. I went into the clinic thinking it was going to feel like multiple shots over my body, but it wasn’t like that. For someone who can’t stand shots, I was very calm and soothed by the tiny needles. Dr. Linda seemed to know exactly what she was doing from the very start. I had gone to a different acupuncture doctor a week prior to starting Dr. Linda’s treatment, but I felt uneasy with that doctor’s method of treatment, the treatment was rushed and without ease and there was little explanation. Soon after as I experience my first treatment of acupuncture by Dr. Linda, I was so thrilled and could see a dramatic comparison between her and the doctor I had gone to before. Dr. Linda proved to be a much better doctor and friend. As I continuously went for treatments, I noticed it to be less painful each time and more relaxing. She talks to her patients, which is really important because it gains the patient’s trust. Her massages were also very, very good and relaxing. It felt so good and eased every muscle in my body.
The condition definitely improved. I could see results appearing within the first session. It was remarkable and fantastic. My mom was very happy and said I had become the same happy daughter she knew before. I would most certainly recommend this type of treatment to others because it is like no other. Western medical doctors can prescribe antibiotics and perform surgeries, but Chinese medicine seems to make the entire person feel relaxed and at ease.

Charlotte Pendergraft 02/02/2020

I came to Dr. Linda Peng’s Acupuncture clinic specifically for treatment of migraines, associated difficulties with sleeping — lots of dreams leaving me very tired in the mornings, and digestion problems. While I had heard of Acupuncture, I had never considered trying it. I decided to try it after talking to my Dad who had used acupuncture to help with a back problem he had and that it had helped him a lot. I have been treated for migraines for about 8 years and while I have medications to treat the migraine attack, I haven’t been successful in the prevention of migraines. After a discussion of my prior medical history and current medicines I was taking, Rx and over-the counter, Dr Peng discussed with me how acupuncture worked and also started me on a herbal medicine program. Initially, my treatments were twice weekly for a month, but I now go once weekly. I have been seeing Dr. Peng for two months. I have found the treatments to be relaxing and Dr. Peng’s manner to be sensitive. For the most part, the treatments are not painful other than slight sensation when the needles enter the skin. Dr. Peng is careful to monitor the electric stimulation of the needles so that she is able to avoid pain if the stimulation is too high. The massages that are included in the treatment are very helpful with stress reduction. Generally, when I leave the sessions, I am very calm and relaxed. So far, I have improved my sleeping and I am not as tired in the morning as I have been I have been successful in reducing my migraines from 10-15 months to about 4-6 months.I would and have recommended this treatment to others.
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